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Impact of Foreign Direct Investment in British Columbia

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Are you curious about the powerful impact foreign direct investment (FDI) has on the BC economy? Dive into Invest Vancouver’s report, released in November 2024, to uncover key insights and findings.

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What’s inside?

This report sheds light on how FDI is driving employment and economic growth in BC​, offering a roadmap for even more effective investment attraction strategies. Building on our 2022 analysis, this report dives deep into the impact foreign multinational enterprises (MNEs) have on sectors like professional, technical, and scientific services and the ripple effect on local businesses.


What is an MNE?

A multinational enterprise is a company that has operations in more than one country. Invest Vancouver’s research is specifically about the activities of foreign MNEs, firms in Canada controlled by a foreign parent (i.e. greater than 50% foreign ownership of voting shares). Examples of companies that have significant operations in BC but are headquartered in another country include Microsoft, Electronic Arts, Fujitsu, the Walt Disney Company, and cellcentric.

Why it matters​

​FDI isn’t just about dollars—it’s about jobs, innovation, and economic resilience. In 2022, foreign MNEs employed more than 349,000 people in BC, a 46.3% increase since 2016. These companies are not only creating jobs, but introducing cutting-edge technologies and global best practices, boosting the productivity and competitiveness of the provincial economy.

Specifically, the professional, scientific, and technical services sector has been the largest driver of foreign MNE employment growth in BC-- this is welcomed news for the Metro Vancouver regional workforce, as the sector is concentrated in the region and jobs in the sector tend to pay well, with an average annual salary that is 43.4% higher than the overall provincial average.

Discover how FDI connects BC to global markets, strengthens local supply chains, and fosters competition, ultimately enhancing the province’s long-term prosperity.

Key Highlights


From 2016 to 2022, in BC:

  • Foreign MNE employment grew by 46.3%, the fastest growth rate in Canada.
  • Foreign MNE jobs in the well-paying professional, scientific, and technical services sector increased by a remarkable 191%.
  • By home country, Sweden (+886%) and China (+832%) were the fastest growing sources of foreign MNE employment. The US (+41%) remains the largest source, accounting for about two-thirds of all foreign MNE jobs.

Short on time? The full highlights are just a click away: our report summary gives you the top insights at a glance.

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About Invest Vancouver

Invest Vancouver is Metro Vancouver’s regional economic development service. By working to secure strategic investment, promote the region to a global audience, and advise decision-makers through forward-thinking economic research and policy analysis, Invest Vancouver is amplifying opportunity and advancing shared prosperity for residents of the region.

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