Clean TransportationClean Transportation, /PublishingImages/LoopEnergy.jpg<div class="ExternalClassE9574BE2ACE1495CB4DC6771A9E02196"><h3>Leading the next global wave of clean transportation and innovation​​​​<br><br></h3></div>Loop Energyrgba(3,239,194,.95)

Key Industries / Green Economy / Clean Transportation

​November 2021 - The Metro Vancouver region is well-positioned to lead the next global wave of clean transportation innovation, development, and commercialization, but risks losing significant parts of this export industry, including some of its fastest growing and most successful firms, if barriers to investment and future industry growth are not urgently addressed, according to a report from Invest Vancouver.


Clean Transportation: Findings and Actions to Strengthen the Sector in the Metro Vancouver Region

This report presents an overview of the categories and competencies in the sector, an analysis of the challenges faced by firms in the region, and recommended policies and actions to support and grow the sector.

Clean Transportation Sector Profile

This two page overview profiles Metro Vancouver’s advantages and specializations in the clean transportation sector.

Clean Transportation Findings and Actions - Executive Summary

This summary presentation provides an overview of the report methodology, findings and recommendations.

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