Green EconomyGreen Economy, Green Economy<div class="ExternalClass0E59A670ABC246239F109D2ABAE74C17"><div><div><h3>Metro Vancouver’s green economy is paving the way for a cleaner future. <br></h3></div></div></div>Scott McAlpine/BCITrgba(3,239,194,.95)

Invest Vancouver / Key Industries / Green Economy

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The Metro Vancouver region is home to a burgeoning green economy cluster of firms engaged in green buildings, clean transportation, and renewable and low carbon fuels. The ever-expanding cleantech sector is creating a brighter future for generations to come.  

/ World-renowned
      hydrogen fuel cell industry

/ 492 pure-play cleantech companies in BC
      and more than 70% are headquartered in the Metro Vancouver region

/ 3,000 graduating students
      each year from engineering and applied science programs

Water Tech: The Metro Vancouver Region’s Untapped Clean Tech Opportunity

Read Water Tech: The Metro Vancouver Region's Untapped Clean Tech Opportunity for an overview of the Metro Vancouver water tech sector and its opportunities and challenges, and see recommendations for capitalizing on this untapped clean tech sector.

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Regional Strengths

/ Green Building

/ Clean Technology (Cleantech)

/ Clean Transportation

/ Sustainability Services

/ Land and Water Remediation

/ Environmental Consulting


Industry Snapshot

Clean Transportation: Findings and actions to strengthen the sector in the Metro Vancouver region

Metro Vancouver is well-positioned to lead the next global wave of clean transportation innovation, development, and commercialization, but risks losing significant parts of this export industry, including some of its fastest growing and most successful firms, if barriers to investment and future industry growth are not urgently addressed, according to a report from Invest Vancouver.

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