Resources / Reports & Research / Strategic Industries Analytics Report

​​​​​​​There is a critical need for more granular data covering some of the Metro Vancouver region’s key export-oriented industries to support data-driven decisions in economic development and to guide investment attraction efforts.

The Strategic Industries Analytics (SIA) project fills this need by providing previously unavailable datasets for selected regional industry components covering GDP, employment, and capital stock over the past twenty years. The Strategic Industries Analytics report ​analyzes these datasets to provide a better understanding of Invest Vancouver’s key industries, provoke further investigation, discussion, and collaboration among public and private sector stakeholders.​​

The report identifies Digital Media & Entertainment, Life Sciences, and High-tech Services as Metro Vancouver's rising stars among the key industries.​


" The Strategic Industries Analytics project is just the beginning. The results inform our strategic investment attraction initiatives, guide our forward-thinking priorities, and spotlight economic development opportunities that will position the region for success in a rapidly evolving global economy. Invest Vancouver will continue to investigate these fast-growing areas and other strategic sectors to advance a dynamic and resilient regional economy that delivers prosperity for all residents in the region. "

- Jacquie Griffiths, President at Invest Vancouver​

High-Growth Industry Profiles

Content production is the beating heart of the region’s flourishing Digital Media & Entertainment industry. Life Sciences and High-tech Services have been growing rapidly in both employment and GDP, significantly surpassing the overall growth in the region. Already a large employer, the Transportation & Logistics sector is growing in line with the overall economy and the region’s strategic location undoubtedly contribute to the success of ocean, rail, and air transport.

Looking for analysis ​for the Life Sc​​iences industry?​

​Invest Vancouver published its Strategic Industry Analytics project findings related to Life Sciences, alongside analysis and recommendations to promote further growth in the industry, in the April 2023 report Life Sciences in Metro Vancouver: Shaping a Globally Prominent R&D Hub. 

Learn more

Interested in investing in one of the Metro Vancouver region’s high-growth industries? Contact us​​

About Invest Vancouver

Invest Vancouver is the economic development leadership service for the Metro Vancouver region. By working to secure strategic investment, promote the region to a global audience, and advise decision-makers through forward-thinking economic research and policy analysis, Invest Vancouver is amplifying opportunity and advancing shared prosperity for residents of the region.

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